Les pandores – run to your car and avoid a ticket…

Pandora and les pandores – a connection? Are you familiar with Greek mythology? Do you recall the beautiful Pandora victim of her own curiosity and insubordination? She inadvertently let out all evils into this world when she opened a BOX-that-should-have-stayed-unopened because she-was-told-NOT-to-open-it-under-any-circumstances. So when you hear someone discretely referring to police officers as les pandores, you might … Read more

Classroom diaries: an unusual spelling quiz

  Class profile A mix of bilingual/trilingual young learners, some of whom are “traditional” EFL students, while others have been exposed to English-speaking environments through school, family, etc. Age range: 7 to 11. Goals Review unit vocabulary and challenge two learners who are using more advanced resources. Conduct group activities notwithstanding age differences. How we … Read more

Multilingual is the new homogeneous!

Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Geneva, Switzerland Switzerland distinguishes itself from many countries with its four national languages (French, German, Italian, and Romanche), and dare I say, tongue-in-cheek, an unofficial fifth one (!!) if we add English to the equation. Nearly two-thirds are speakers of German, and the remaining third is split … Read more

f or ph for fffffffffff?

En anglais uniquement: We had some wonderful “Eureka” moments last week with 8 to 11 year old EFL (English as a foreign language) students while reviewing letters and vocabulary with a spelling game. The word dolphin came up – quite a tricky word for French speakers. On the one hand, the ph is maintained, but the French … Read more