Young learner English courses, camps & online courses
Registration for yearly courses is the full school year. Registration to camps or workshops is for the duration agreed upon.
School supplies
We provide all school supplies, including books, although we may ask your child to bring certain items for special occasions.
Camp fees include all supplies and snacks. Participants bring their own picnic and a microwave is available for reheating.
Fees are here.
There is no registration fee. After-school pick-up is included and applies to some courses, as detailed in the program.
Camp/Workshop fees are shown on the camp description and booking pages.
Dues to the local association ApprenTissages Grand-Saconnex are extra, at the cost of 30 CHF per family per school year. This amount is included in the invoice, and the dues are then transferred to the association.
Free trial course and cancellations
One or two free trial courses are recommended, with the agreement of the director or trainer. Registration is for the full school year. Midyear cancellations are charged up to the end of the trimester.
Camps are 50% refundable 14 days prior to the workshop starting date, and 100% refundable 15 or more days before the workshop starting date.
Invoices are paid by trimester or by the year. Two- and three-hour courses include monthly plans.
Camps and workshops must be paid one week before starting date or at registration.
We encourage transfers (ebanking) which allows us to keep our fees to a minimum. It is also possible to pay via the pink slips (bulletin de versement) at any Swiss post office.Banking details are as follows:
Langues ET PLUS
Chemin Taverney 1
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
CCP: 12-594214-5
IBAN: CH64 0900 0000 1259 4214 5
Please, inform your child’s teacher if your child is absent, or send a text message to 078 883 93 76, OR 24h in advance, email us at maude@languagesandmore.com. This is imperative, particularly for very young learners whom we collect at the local schools.
Vacation and other holidays
Classes begin on the first Monday after the Geneva holiday “Jeûne genevois in September, and follow the same schedule as Geneva public school vacation, with three usual exceptions:
- We start our winter break one week before the official Geneva public school Christmas holidays begin in December.
- No classes take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Easter Break.
Finally, we usually stop 1-2 weeks before the official end of public school in Geneva. Many students are absent because of the end of year activities or early summer departures.
Please check the yearly calendar sent to enrolled families.
It is under the responsibility of each family to cover their child/children against accidents, as required by Swiss law.
Terms and conditions: Online courses
Scheduling appointments
Once you are assigned a teacher, please schedule directly with them.
We have 10-, 20- and 30-hour cards to prepay your online English lessons. These are valid for 18 months.
Split billing
If you share costs with another party, let us know, and we will activate split billing.
Lessons may be cancelled by the learner up to the lesson day, by 8 AM, at no extra costs. In other situations, we will do our best to reschedule.
Missed appointments
The occasional missed appointments are rescheduled to the best of our ability and at your teacher’s discretion.
Number of participants in online lessons
The flat rate is valid for 1, 2, or 3 participants, simultaneously.
We recommend using 1 computer (screen) if all participants are in the same room because of sound issues. Young children are welcome with their parents. Our system encourages learners to have language partners and benefit of small group dynamics.
A family member is welcome to participate with very young children.
Technology used in online courses
Our courses take place in our virtual classrooms, on Zoom, or in any of our online videoconferencing spaces.
Your feedback is important to us and help us improve our services. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Modification of Terms & Conditions
Langues ET PLUS ¦ Languages AND MORE reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, as available on www.languagesandmore.com/terms.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Last update : 24 April 2022
The Langues ET PLUS ¦ Languages AND MORE Team